Monday, February 26, 2007

This Guy......

This guy is my oldest son Matthew.
This guy is the main reason for my loss of words lately~
This guy has left me feeling like my heart is being torn from my chest at any given moment~
This guy is home on his predeployment leave before he goes to Iraq~
This guy could not make us more proud to be his parents~

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Bit Of Winter Cheer

We are in the midst of our first winter in South Carolina and I have to say compared to Buffalo it has been a breeze.

The skies have been quite gray the past couple of weeks but when the sun shines I can't get over how beautiful everything is.

My tulip tree is in bloom and the neighbor's yard is full of Camelias. I am making a long list of flowers I would like in our yard and can't wait to get planting.

I would love to own my own nursery, and think of the money we would save. That is my sales pitch to Matt.... maybe someday~


Happy Birthday Hope

My sweet girl turned 8 on Groundhog's Day.

It's funny when you're a child the count down to your birthday starts months before. What excitement that day brings.

When you're older it's another story ha ha

Hope's day was full of fun, making cupcakes the night before and adding sprinkles the morning before we left for school. Her teacher is so sweet and makes each child feel so special.

Michael came in to surprise Hope. Big brothers are always such a hit with the kids and he is a whiz at pouring juice~thanks Michael!

Sadly after the festivities that night, Hope came down with the flu and is just getting beck to her chatty self. She hasn't even been able to play with her new toys.

This morning when she asked for her paper and pencils because she wanted to draw I breathed a thankful sigh of relief.

Happy Birthday Hope, we love you so much ( and I'm still patiently waiting to play with your metal detector!)
