Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Let's Get A Whim On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since this blog is called “Whim of the Week”-isn’t it about time we started back on track? We can write anything we want here…but it’s more fun if we’re working toward a common goal. Even if we can’t Whim every week, we should have a Whim going on. There’s nothing saying our Whim can’t last two weeks if we need it to…you get what I’m trying to say!

What shall the first Whim of the year be? I really want to do some simple collage thingys for Valentines Day. I save everything (to the dismay of those around me-they just don’t “get it”). I have bins and drawers of rusty things, buttons, papers and the like…it’s found items heaven here! Wouldn’t it be nice to rid myself of some of my found items to make room for more?

I’ve also been thinking about doing a collage series on “Scriptural Jesus” (for my own whim). I know that sounds crazy…but I really want to…I’ll do one soon and you’ll see what I mean. I was at a funeral recently and something was said and it led me to believe that if people really understood His nature they wouldn’t say some of the things they do. I said ignorant things too before I started reading the Bible (with understanding)…but that’s a can of worms I’d rather not get into.

Another thing I’d like to do this year is start a woman’s fishing club. I love fishing. I used to fish with my Dad who was an avid sportsman. We fished all day and then ate what we caught. No waste…we even deep-fried the fish eggs from perch and ate them…a sort of “poor man’s” caviar! Ew! Don’t ask me to eat them now-please! And eels…we ate them by the dozens…but now the greasy, smoked-smelling, black-skinned things gross me out. And don’t even get me started on Spam…my Mom was the Spam Queen!!! I think she wrote Spam cookbooks on the sly and kitchen-tested them on us! So you can see we had the best of both worlds. My Dad not only caught and cooked like the gourmet chef he was (coming from a gourmet chef Father-my Grandfather) Pheasant and Rabbit and Venison and Squirrel…we also got to experience the other side of life: Spam, Hot Dogs and Friday night’s favorite…Breakfast for Supper!!! Ahhh…life was rich-except for the Spam.

Helena, I love your sweet white birdie tree!!! Don’t you just love mushroom birds???

I’d like to add that if anyone is having a hard time commenting here…just email at and we’ll see what we can do. I’m trying to figure it out in depth…but I can’t. Alas…I need time and more of it!

Don’t forget-we’re Whimming Valentines Collages!!!!!!!!! As soon as I get a flickr account going for us you can share! The above image is copyright free and you may use it as you wish!! This Whim starts today January 10th and we'll share our work on the 24th. Have fun and don't forget to share your Whim with us!!

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