Thursday, October 26, 2006

Outside Sights

The sun went in and out today and there were little drizzly raindrops here and there throughout the day. But after seeing this and enjoying the photos of Alicia's beautiful outdoor pictures, I decided to go outside when the sun was shining and catch my own outdoor photos.

You'll have to bear with me because I'm not sooooo great at this photo thing but I do love color and was looking for the effect of things with sunshine on them...then I just sort of went with it.

In order of the photos:

Much to my delight as I rounded the chicken coop, I spied a beautiful blooming lily who refused to go to sleep for the winter before smiling her sleepy, beautiful yellow smile and promising me another visit next spring. I'm glad I caught her awake in October because when January comes in with it's chill, I'll glance upon this photo of her golden beauty as a reminder of her promise.

The chickens belong to Lydia. They were actually doing (what sounded like) the funky chicken as I approached the coop, but when I got to the chicken wire to click the photo they assumed their domestic behavior and moved their heads about with an "act normal" look on their faces.

The sky/horizon picture reminds me of the CCR song that says, "Doo doo doo lookin' out my back door", since that's just what it is.

The"spray" of oak leaves was just lying on the ground reminding me that Christmas is coming soon and if I intend to make anything, I'd better get a move-on!!

It was a wonderful reason to go outside in the brisk, end of October air and enjoy a couple of things I wouldn't have normally paid so much attention to. Thanks Alicia for the inspiration.

Her talk of faeries reminded me of the faerie houses I made with Jynette and Lydia. We always checked back to see what damage the trolls (disguised as squirrels) did. We've watched the movie "Fairy Tale-A True Story" many times and still enjoy it. We've giggled while imagining faeries, pixies and trolls in and around our home for years. There's a pure, innocent and magic fun to it and the sparkle in the girls' eyes was invigorating.

The day finally came when Lydia asked me if faeries were real...and what could I do? I kept asking her what she thought. But I tried to tell the truth with my eyes (all the while remembering what Tinkerbell said happens when someone says they don't believe in faeries.) How sad! So for Tinkerbell's sake I still believe...and to prove it I think I will decorate with a wonderful Faerie Christmas that my dining room is turquoise-ish blue and I got those lovely pink bulbs while flea-marketing (I'll try to remember to share scans from the magazine tomorrow)!!! YAY!!! I wonder if I can do it before Thanksgiving??? Maybe if I wish hard enough...and someone spritzes me with faerie dust...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Helena...I LOVE your carved trees!! I can't wait to get the shop going so I can get my hands on some of those babies!

Sis...I'll see you and yours in a couple of days.

Hopefully, I'll find a few minutes tomorrow morning to sit with a cuppa, and read some more.

Love ya both