Thursday, November 30, 2006

More On The Building...

I thought I'd try to upload more photos of our hard work on Hurst Street in the little town of Bushnell, Illinois.

Starting at the bottom and moving to the top: The first photo is of the west side of the center business section and what will be the coffee shoppe. The man in the picture is Mr. Pantley "Takin' Five". I wonder what he's thinking??? Do I even want to know? I think not!

The second photo is the same room, just the opposite wall. We decided to expose both brick walls on either side of the room. The back of the room, opposite the doorway, will be our kitchen.

Photo Three shows some of the plaster and lathe we pulled from the walls and ceiling. I cannot tell you how much we all loathed cleaning it all up.

The fourth picture shows the exposed brick in the west side (alley end) business room of the building. This will be our gift shop. Lots of work here too.

For Will Ferrell Cowbell photo-you must read to the bottom of the post!

On another note: I'm so glad we came home when we did, I just talked to my sister in west-central Illinois and she informed me they are having sleet and will have snow from 14-18 inches. It wouldn't have bothered me in the least if we got snowed in while visiting though. I am spoiled this year though, I got to see my family three times! A new record. It's just that I love the quiet, slower pace of their town. Here on the east coast, 70 miles from NYC, there is no shortage of people and the quiet places are being used up quickly. I used to be able to drive to the stop sign at the end of my road, look both ways and enter the highway. Now, I sit there while an entire motorcade passes me on either side. I have anxiety before I even leave my road. I do thank God (whenever I'm thinking about this) that I live on the very end of a dead end and I love it!

The whims have been very flimsy as of late-to say the least. Though I must say, the studio redo and the building have been very much on my mind. My studio redo came to a sudden halt when my daughter moved out of her apartment and came home. I needed to put her bed somewhere, so it went in my unfinished studio. Alas, today, she moved into her new apartment and my studio has room's sad for me though, I'd rather have her here. **sigh**

BUT-I actually worked on some neat cupcake purses which I will finish this week and put up for display here and then probably on ebay. I love these purses...they're crochet and I've added some of my own fun-ness to them (I think I just made up a word!) Can't wait to show them to you! I'm also making some little change purses in fun colors that my daughters picked out.

I guess I'll go surfing for awhile on my many favorite blogs and visit my cyber friends. I need to update our favorite blog lists for you all to enjoy too...there is so much to take care of now. At some point in the near future I want to revamp my site. I'm going to clump the old primitives and make new buttons for the fun new colorful things I'm whimming over.

Tomorrow I think I'll share my fun Christmas magazine purchases with you and we can ooh and ahh together. I will say Martha has some awesome ideas and downloads on her site! So much fun to fit into one month! How will I do it all?

I was going to start my Very Fairy Christmas today but I realized that I only have red and white lights. My icky perfecto way of thinking told me I must have pink lights too, so I will be out tomorrow searching for pink or blue lights to add to the white ones. I may use the red ones here or there, but I need pink...I could hear Christopher Walkin say (as he did in the Cowbell Skit on SNL)..."I'm tellin' ya''re gonna want those pink lights." As long as Will Ferrell's yucky fat belly doesn't come bouncing out of his shirt along with them...I'm okay!!! See photo...I couldn't help it-I thought you might need a visual to agree with me!!

Sleep tight!!!

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